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.学院简介. |
山东劳动职业技术学院(山东劳动技师学院)是山东省人力资源和社会保障厅直属的全日制普通高等院校,始建于1955年。学院是全国职业教育先进单位、国家高技能人才培养示范基地、国家级专业技术人员继续教育基地、国家技能根基工程培训基地、山东省高等教育技能型特色名校、山东省优质高等职业院校,“国家技能人才培育工作突出贡献奖”获得单位,山东省公共实训基地建设运营单位。 学院位于泉城济南,现有槐荫和长清两个校区,占地面积1050亩,建筑面积49.7万平方米,现有在校生14000余人。校内实习实训场地面积121365平方米,实训室218个。建有智能制造、智能控制、焊接、新能源汽车、商品展示、新媒体直播、智慧物流、家具木工等8个实训中心,可满足智能制造生产线、工业机器人安装与调试、新能源汽车、信息技术、数字商贸、智慧物流等领域技能培训,年实训规模超35600人。 学院积极服务和融入国家战略,围绕产业办专业。设有智能制造系、电气及自动化系、汽车工程系、信息工程系、现代城市系、工商管理系、劳动经济系、基础(体育)教学部、思想政治课教学部、技师部等10个教学系部。形成了“以智能制造专业为主体,电子信息类和现代服务类专业为两翼”的专业布局,重点建设智能制造、信息技术、自动化、汽车维保、现代商贸流通、城市艺术设计和智慧财经7个专业群,有43个高职招生专业面向全国招生。是全国率先实行“双证书”制度的高职高专院校,大专毕业生经考试合格,能同时获得“大学专科学历证书和高级职业资格证书”。推出“卓越技师”培养计划,形成“专科学历+技师资格”的高端技术技能人才培养标准和经验。 学院实施人才强校战略,师资力量雄厚。现有教授38人、副教授166人,“双师型”教师占比81.17%。享受国务院特殊津贴专家2人、全国“五一劳动奖章”1人、教育部新时代职业学校名师培养对象1人、齐鲁工匠1人、泰山领军人才1人,全国技术能手11人,山东省技术技能大师1人,齐鲁首席技师1人,山东省首席技师5人,山东省教学名师4人,山东省技术能手72人。山东省高校黄大年式教师团队3个,山东省职业教育教学创新团队3个,山东省“青创科技计划”创新团队1个。获批国家级技能大师工作室1个,山东省职业教育名师工作室3个,山东省职业教育技艺技能传承创新平台4个。入选第三批国家级职业教育教师创新团队立项建设单位。 学院以提升人才培养质量为核心,教学资源丰富。参与国家专业教学资源库项目4个,主持或参与省级教学资源库项目8个,获评国家级在线精品课程4门、省级精品资源共享课程17门、省级在线精品课程10门、省级课程思政示范课程3门。国家创新行动发展计划骨干专业3个、生产性实训基地1个,山东省高水平专业群3个,山东省品牌专业群2个,山东省特色专业7个,牵头或参与省级专业教学指导方案开发7项,“十四五”职业教育国家规划教材3部。入选第44、45、46、47届世界技能大赛中国集训基地,获批山东技能大赛研究中心。近三年来,师生参加各级各类技能大赛成绩突出,获国赛一等奖38项、二等奖27项,省赛一等奖150项,二等奖78项。教师在全国职业院校技能大赛教学能力比赛中获一等奖2项,三等奖1项。 学院深入开展校企合作,提升产教融合内涵。获评山东省校企一体化办学示范院校。牵头建立全国高档数控装备和人力资源服务行业产教融合共同体,牵头成立国家示范性职业教育集团-山东省机械行业职业教育培训集团。在370多家大中型企业建立校外实习基地,先后与联想集团、瑞典斯凯孚、豪迈集团、开泰集团、日立电梯、等国际化企业合作共建专业,实现联合招生、共同培养、定向就业。与武汉华中数控股份有限公司、山东网商教育科技集团、济南博赛网络技术有限公司分别共建智能制造学院、数字经济学院、新一代信息技术产业学院。 学院扎实推进科教融汇,增强社会服务能力。“十四五”以来,获批山东省工程研究中心、山东省高等学校科技成果转化和技术转移基地、山东省高等学校应用技术优质协同创新中心等市级以上创新平台19个。立项省级教科研项目70项,获省级教科研成果奖84项,取得发明专利94件,服务企业130余家,开展横向服务项目64项。立项省内唯一的“劳动教育与职业体验”主旨省级科普基地。是全省首批职业技能考核鉴定机构,设立山东省退役军人创业就业指导站。面向在校学生、企业职工、农民工、退役士兵等重点群体开展培训,年均培训超2万人次。 学院实施开放办学战略,写好“引进来”“走出去”两篇文章。与韩国、俄罗斯、德国、英国、泰国、柬埔寨等国家的院校、企业、机构等在中外合作办学、境外办学、国际资源引进和输出、师生双向交流、国际中文教育、科研合作、文化和技术交流等方面建立了全方位、多层次、宽领域的交流合作关系。对外输出国际专业标准、课程标准、课程资源15项,连续两年荣膺EducationPlus职业教育对外交流与合作典型院校。 学院凭借扎实的人才培养、优秀的毕业生质量形成了就业领域广、专业对口程度高、发展前景好的就业格局,毕业生毕业去向落实率保持在98%以上。被评为“全省高校就业工作先进单位”“全省高等学校创业教育示范校”,入选“改革开放30年山东教育总评榜——最具就业推动力高职院校”、“高职院校品牌影响力50强”、“综合实力前十强国办高职”“毕业生最受用人单位认可高校”,“最受网民欢迎高职院校”。 近七十年的职业教育实践和创新赋予学院深厚的底蕴。站在新起点上,学院将以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入贯彻习近平总书记关于教育工作的重要论述,以立德树人为根本,坚持“高端引领、特色立校、内涵发展、多元办学”的办学方针,大力倡导“卓越技能,出彩人生”人才成长理念,为每一名学子铺就技能成才报国之路。 (2023年12月更新)
Shandong Labor Vocational and Technical College Shandong Labor Vocational and Technical College (Shandong Labor Technician College), founded in 1955, is a full-time vocational college directly under Human Resources and Social Security Department of Shandong Province. The college is entitled as National Advanced Vocational College, National Demonstrative Base for High-skilled Talents, National Continuing Education Base for Professional workers, National Training Base of Skills Foundation Engineering, Skill-typed Characteristic College of Higher Education of Shandong Province, and High-quality Vocational College of Shandong Province. It has been awarded the prize of National Outstanding Contribution in High-skilled Talents Education and choosen as the construction unit of Public Training Base of Shandong Province. The college, located in Jinan dubbed the spring city, has two campuses of Huaiyin and Changqing with an area of 1,050 acres including the building area of 497,000 square meters. There are more than 14,000 students , The area of internship training site is more than 121,365 square meters, including 218 training rooms. There are 8 training centers for intelligent manufacturing, intelligent control, welding, new energy vehicles, commodity display, new media live broadcast, smart logistics, furniture and woodworking, which can meet the need of skills training in intelligent manufacturing production lines, industrial robot installation and commissioning, new energy vehicles, information technology, digital commerce, smart logistics and other fields, with an annual training scale of more than 35,600 people. The college actively serves and integrates into the national development strategy, and runs majors around the industry. The college sets up 10 departments including Intelligent Manufacturing Department, Electrical Engineering and Automation Department, Automotive Engineering Department, Information Engineering Department, Modern City Department, Business Administration Department, Labor Economics Department,, Basic Course(Sports) Education Department, Ideological and Political Education Department and Technician Department. It has formed a layout with “intelligent manufacturing acts as the main body and electronic information and modern service acts as two wings”, focusing on the construction of seven professional groups of intelligent manufacturing, information technology, automation, automobile maintenance, modern business circulation, urban art design and smart finance. 43 higher vocational majors are for national enrollment. It is one of the first vocational colleges in the whole country implementing Dual Certificate System. Qualified graduates can obtain both a college degree certificate and a higher vocational qualification certificate. The college has been developing the “Excellent Technician Program”, which has formed the standards and experience of training high-end skilled talents with “college degree + technician qualification”. The college implements the strategy of strengthening the school by cultivating talents and has a strong faculty. There are 38 professors and 166 associate professors, and over 81.17% are the double-qualified teachers. The college has 2 experts enjoying the Special Allowance of the State Council and 1 won National "May 1 Labor Medal". Moreover, there are 1 Training Object of New Era Vocational Prominent Educator selected by Ministry of Education, 1 Qilu Craftsman, 1 Taishan Leading Talent, 11 National Technical Experts, 1 Technical Skill Master of Shandong Province, 1 Chief Technician of Qilu, 5 Chief Technician of Shandong Province, 4 Prominent Educator of Shandong Province, 72 Technical Experts in Shandong Province. In addition, there are 3 Huang Danian Teaching Teams of Shandong Province, 3 Vocational Education Teaching Innovation Teams of Shandong Province, and 1 Innovation Team of "Youth Innovation Science and Technology Plan" of Shandong Province. The college is home for 1 State-level Skill Master Studio, 3 Provincial-level Professional Education Master Studios, and 4 Vocational Education Skills Inheritance and Innovation Platforms of Shandong Province. The college has been selected as the third batch of National Vocational Education Teacher Innovation Team Project Construction Unit. The college focuses on improving the quality of talent training and has rich teaching resources. It participates in the construction of 4 national professional teaching resource databases, host or participates in 8 provincial teaching resource database, achieve 4 national excellent sharing online courses, 17 provincial excellent sharing online courses, 10 provincial online courses and 3 provincial ideological and political demonstration courses. There are 3 backbone specialties and 1 productive training base of the National Innovation Action Development Plan, 3 high-level professional groups of Shandong Province, 2 brand professional groups of Shandong Province, 7 featured specialties of Shandong Province, 7 leading or participating provincial professional teaching guidance programs, and 3 national teaching materials for the "14th Five-Year Plan" Vocational Education. The college has been chosen as the Chinese training base of 44th, 45th, 46th, 47th World Skills Competition, and the Skills Competition Research Center of Shandong Province. In the past three years, teachers and students have achieved outstanding results in various skills competitions at all levels, winning 38 first prizes and 27 second prizes in the national competition, 150 first prizes and 78 second prizes in the provincial competition. The teachers have won 2 first prizes and 1 third prize in National Vocational College Teaching Skills Competition. The college has carried out in-depth college-enterprise cooperation to enhance the connotation of the integration of production and education. It was awarded as a model of college-enterprise integration in Shandong Province. It leads the establishment of the National Production and Education Integration Community for High-end CNC Equipment and Human Resources Service Industry, as well as the stablishment of a National Demonstration Vocational Education Group - Shandong Machinery Industry Vocational Education and Training Group. It has established off-campus internship bases in more than 370 large and medium-sized enterprises, and has cooperated with international enterprises such as Lenovo Group, SKF Sweden, Himile Group, Kaitai Group, Hitachi Elevator, etc., to achieve joint enrollment, joint training, and targeted employment. With Wuhan Huazhong Numerical Control Co., LTD., Shandong Network Business Education Technology Group, Jinan Bose Network Technology Co., LTD., we have jointly built Intelligent Manufacturing School, Digital Economy School and the New Generation of Information Technology Industry School. The college has steadily promoted the integration of science and education and enhanced its ability to serve society. Since the “14th Five-Year Plan”, 19 innovation platforms above the municipal level have been approved, such as Shandong Engineering Research Center, Shandong Provincial Higher Institution of Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation and Technology Transfer Base, and Shandong Provincial Higher Institution of High-quality Applied Technology Collaborative Innovation Center. 70 provincial-level teaching and research projects have been established, 84 provincial-level teaching and research achievement awards have been awarded, 94 invention patents have been obtained, more than 130 enterprises have been served, and 64 horizontal service projects have been carried out. The only provincial science popularization base of “Labor Education and Vocational Experience” has been established. It is one of the first vocational skills assessment and appraisal institutions in the province, and has set up a guide station for entrepreneurship and employment of retired soldiers in Shandong Province. Training has been conducted for key groups such as students, enterprise workers, migrant workers, and retired soldiers, with an annual average of more than 20,000 people trained. The college implements the education strategy of openness, and strives to make the “bringing in” and “going global” to be successful. It has established all-round, multi-level and wide-ranging exchange and cooperation relations with universities, enterprises and institutions in South Korea, Russia, Germany, the United Kingdom, Thailand, Cambodia and other countries in the fields of Sino-foreign joint degree programm, overseas education, international resources import and export, two-way exchanges between teachers and students, international Chinese education, scientific research cooperation, cultural and technological exchanges. It has exported 15 items of international professional standards, curriculum standards and curriculum resources to the outside world, and has been honored as EducationPlus Typical Vocational Institution in International exchange and cooperation for two consecutive years. Relying on the solid professional talent cultivation and outstanding graduate quality, the college has formed a wide employment pattern with high consistency in finding promising jobs in line with specialty. The completion rate of graduates has remained above 98%. Thus, it was entitled as Advanced Employment Unit in Universities of Shandong Province, Model College of Entrepreneurship Education in Shandong Province, The list of Shandong Education Overall Evaluation during 30 Years of Reforming and Opening up - the Most Employment Promoting Vocational College, Top 50 Influential Vocational Colleges, Top 10 State-owned Vocational Colleges with Comprehensive Strength, Most Approved Colleges by Employers and Most Popular Vocational Colleges among Netizen. Thanks to the past 7 decades of vocational education practice and innovation, the college has obtained profound background and connotation. Standing at a new starting point, the college implements the Party’s education policy and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on education, takes “cultivating moral characters and nurturing noble talents” as the foundation, adheres to the policy “high-end leadership, distinctive establishment, connotative development, and diversified running”, advocates the concept of “superior skills, brilliant future”, and paves the way for each student to become a talent and serve the country. . |

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版权所有:山东劳动职业技术学院 鲁ICP备05018601号